Entries by Allan

Have you gotten your “REAL ID” yet?

Like many states, California residents have the option to get the new REAL ID, which goes into effect later this year. The REAL ID will be used to board a domestic flight within the U.S. and enter secure federal facilities, such as military bases, federal courthouses, and other secure federal locations.

What if you lost your wallet or purse?

If you were to lose your wallet or purse tomorrow, how long would it take you to replace everything in it and could you? Can you remember everything that is in your wallet or purse including credit cards, IDs, health insurance cards, or those membership, rewards, or frequent traveler cards that you have added over the years and not bothered to write down?

Too Busy to be Organized

An interesting statistic I found recently is the average American spends one year of their life looking for lost or misplaced items at home and in the office, US News and World Report. That is a significant amount of time, whether it is looking for keys, a purse or wallet, your phone or simply looking for important documents.

Road to Organization

You find the right organizational method that works for you, is easy to keep up to date and it actually reminds you of important events to keep you on track for the rest of your life.