Entries by Digital Storyteller

What’s in your purse (or wallet)?

Just think: If you were to lose your wallet or purse tomorrow, how long would it take you to replace everything in it? And could you?! Take our quiz to find out!

How to Boost Your Productivity as We Approach a “New Normal”

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a variety of challenges. For some, the most impactful challenge was working from home. Although remote work brought positives for many, after just a few short months, many employees realized that their productivity was plummeting and experienced burnout as a result.

How to Keep Track of When You Got Your COVID-19 Vaccine

From work and family to grocery shopping, and doctor appointments, we all have a laundry list of daily responsibilities. Our to-do lists grow longer, and our ability to remember each task, appointment, and event becomes even more difficult.