Splurges cost more than you think

Do you know how much your splurge items really cost you!?

Do you know how much your splurge items really cost you!?

Although you might see the sticker price, do you actually know how much you pay for your splurge items? Per use? Here’s a quiz to test your knowledge and let you know how things really add up!

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Did you know that in 2020 there were over 2.05 billion online shoppers? Today, online shopping is quick, easy, and for some, the preferred method of shopping—especially during a global pandemic. But do you know how much you’re really spending? Take our quiz to find out how much those Airpods cost you per use, how much a restaurant marks up a bottle of wine, and more! LifeHound is an easy-to-use app that was created to ensure you (and your finances!) remain organized and secure. Ready to get started? Test your financial knowledge and then sign up for your free trial today!