Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift. That is why it is called the PRESENT.
-Master Uguay
-Master Uguay
Create an account on LifeHound and start on the free plan. No credit card is required.
LifeHound makes suggestions to help guide you along. There are plenty of categories and predefined forms to get you started. Create a new record then upload some documents, and LifeHound will file them and automatically create reminders for any important dates.
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A record can be created by simply adding a record name. Once the record is created you can:
Tracking life’s documents just got easier! Upload all of your documents and the application will track them for you. It will automatically create reminders for you of important life events ahead of time. Further, LifeHound keeps your attachments in the original form so you can always get them back.
Tons of predefined categories that are associated with predefined forms. Just choose a category and fill in as much or as little information as you like. Go back later and fill in things when you need to. Categories range from personal to small business to life.
The LifeHound website adapts to your devices’ screen size and capabilities to be used wherever you are. Have your important information and documents at your fingertips at all times and when you need them most. Available on the web, or any mobile phone with a web browser.
While LifeHound has lots of forms we may have forgotten something. Add whatever additional information you need to store just by instantly adding new fields. If that is not good enough, create your own custom forms or categories. Further by adding custom tags users can track and group their documents as they wish. (Coming soon)
Remembering things that need to be done in 1 year, 5 years or especially in 20 years is impossible. LifeHound tracks any events or items and will remind you just at the right time in the future. This allows you to take action before things expire or become costly with late fees, penalties, or significant consequences. Just enter the due date and it goes the extra mile ensuring you don’t miss an important date by intelligently reminding you prior to the date and continuing to hound you until it is done.
Users can quickly create reminders that are not associated with records as well. Simply select the plus menu to Create a Reminder.
LifeHound automatically recognizes dates that you have entered on forms and will automatically create reminders before the important dates occur. Further, the reminder dates are smart enough to give you plenty of time to complete them based on how far out in time they are and will continue to hound you to complete them until you mark them as complete.
Attach any number of files to a record that you want. Attachments can range from documents, spreadsheets, PDF files, images, videos, and more. Use your camera to scan documents.
Associate your documents with each other either to keep related records together.
Scroll through the history of all of your documents and reminders in many views. Quickly see what is coming up, see when items were started or are going to end, expire, etc, and the reminders associated with them all on a single timeline or in a calendar view.
Whether it is sharing files regularly with family or friends or in the case of an emergency and you need to give someone access to an important document, or access beyond the grave, there are sharing options for all situations. (Coming soon)
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